Top Plugins to Enhance SEO on Your Site

Search engine optimization is arguably the best way to promote your site and get the traffic you need to make it successful. With the right SEO, you can increase your page rank and position your site at the top of search results. With the increased visibility, you can effortlessly increase the traffic to your site. The best part is that you can do all of that without having to spend a dime.

There are many tools available to help you enhance the SEO efforts on your site, including many paid programs and applications. However, there are many free plugins that will help you do the job and won’t impact your bottom line. Here are our picks for some of the top plugins to enhance the SEO on your site:

WordPress SEO by Yoast

This plugin consistently ranks high on search marketers’ “best of” lists — and for good reason. It is an authoritative plugin that offers you many features to ensure that the SEO on your site is rock solid. With this plugin, you get detailed page analysis, options to tweak the SEO on your back end, XML sitemaps, RSS optimization, breadcrumbs, social integration, and more. You can use it with multiple sites and it has import and export functionality.

All in One SEO Pack

Another popular plugin, the All in One SEO Pack automatically improves the SEO on your page. You don’t even have to do anything. The plugin automatically optimizes your titles, generates meta tags, generates a meta description and helps you to avoid duplicate content. You can override any of the options to fine tune your SEO as you see fit.

SEO Smart Links

Linking is an essential component of your site’s SEO, but it is often overlooked. This plugin automatically links to your own content, including your posts, pages, and categories. You can select the keywords to match to your links, or you can let the plugin do it for you. You can also decide which links should be no follow.

SEO Ultimate

This is another comprehensive SEO plugin. You can use it to optimize your title tags, meta tags, slugs, URLs, and more. You can also decide which links to follow or index, you can set canonical URLs, you can create custom 404 errors, and more. This is an all-in-one solution for the back end of your website that will help it to be more search-engine friendly.

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SEO Friendly Images

Your images can have a big impact on the SEO of your site, as well. You can use this plugin to automatically update all images with the proper alt tags and title attributes. You can further enhance the SEO of your images by optimizing the load times.

SEO is important to help you get the most exposure for your site that you can. You can use these plugins to make quick work of it and to ensure that your site is optimized to get the most traffic you can.

What other plugins do you find indispensable for your SEO efforts? Share them in the comments!

Author Bio

Amber Satka primarily writes on financial and SEO topics, many of which can be found on her  at carloancalculator. She is a former office manager and current mother and writer. Her leisure activities include bike riding and spending way too much time on Pinterest.


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