Educated Like Steve Jobs; How the Education Market is Evolving

The huge Silicon Valley boom that is taking over the world, begun by legendary entrepreneurs such as Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, will need thousands of skilled workers in the future. As such, it is now more important ever for prospective students to focus on the technology fields, as high demand and good salaries are part of an attractive future for people who wish to follow in the footsteps of Steve Jobs.


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CTE Month

All across the country, more and more educational facilities are now celebrating National Career and Technical Education (CTE) month. CTE programs are offering vital , cutting-edge educational and tech skill training to students. CTE is designed to fit into existing educational environments while providing students a chance to deal with real-world applications.

Right now, CTE already touches the lives of students in over 1,300 high schools and 1,700 colleges, already having an effect on more than 14 million young people. The CTE’s mission is to get students ready for success in the future by educating them with the knowledge and academic rigor to handle high-demand successful careers in the tech market.

Learning to Code

More and more people are including learning how to program computers, or “code”, as part of their job skill sets as these talents are always in high demand in the tech industry. Many educational districts are including coding and computer programming as part of their base education. While not every tech job requires coding knowledge, learning how to code teaches the fundamental skill of telling a computer how to perform complex tasks. Even in real-world applications, this is a valuable skill, especially so in the tech world.

Many software engineers consider themselves as problem solvers, as learning how to program and code teaches computational thinking. A mixture of mathematics, algorithms, grammar and logic can teach all aspiring tech professionals new and important ways to think about the world.

Although it is true that Steve Jobs famously dropped out of university before completing his education there, it must be remembered that those were different times, long before institutions of higher learning offered advanced tech classes. Steve Jobs learned to program from his family and friends, but today’s students are recommended to invest in a thorough education before attempting to begin a career in the tech field.

Now days many programmers are still getting into the field without college education. Most programming skills can be learned from books and online courses such as PluralSight. If you are unable to go to college don’t this deter you from getting an education.

Online Education

One of the many benefits of learning tech skills and how to “code” is that much of it can be done remotely from home, rather than in a brick-and-mortar classroom in a building. Advanced home computers, high-speed internet connections, and the digital nature of the studied subjects make learning about technology absolutely perfect for online education. Students can select between courses offered by prestigious heritage universities or individual, tailored classes from unaccredited private learning and educational websites. Some well-known non-profit educational centers now offer classes on computer and other tech subjects at no cost to the student.

Many online courses such as Khan Academy even provide extra resources to help the student, such as individual tutoring and collaborate online forums. Online courses can also include video, audio, web content or downloadable programs and software for computers. Some courses taught by some institutions may be applicable for scholarships, financial aid or government programs to offer students low or no-cost tuition.


With the rise of smartphones and the ubiquity of tablets and other mobile devices in our lives, as well as the growth of the Internet of Things, the future of the tech industry is quite bright . More and more students are learning that a well-rounded education in the latest breakthroughs and development of the tech world are a sure path towards a secure financial future.

Author Bio

This article has been written by Lee Ying, he has over 10 years experience in the tech & security industry. At present for various websites he’s writing high quality contents.

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