What Is The Best Time Of The Day To Send Your Email Marketing Messages

Email marketing is only as useful as your emails actually get opened and get read. If your message is registered as spam or falls into a huge stack of mail to be deleted, then there isn’t much you can really about it – you’ve basically failed at this point. This is why it’s important before you start sending off messages, that you consider the time of the day you should send messages and when are people most likely to open and read them. Of course, I am not going to tell you that all of this means nothing if your messages aren’t good enough – we will operate under the notion that you know what you’re doing quality-wise but you want to improve the chances of that good quality actually reaching the target audience. Here is what you need to think about.

Email Marketing Messages

Image Credit : TopDomesticCleaners.co.uk

Day of the Week

The time of day that is appropriate to send messages differs depending on the weekday. From Monday to Friday, statistically speaking, the biggest chance that your email gets noticed is either during or right after people’s lunch break in the early afternoon. This means that you have to send it at about that time. The reason for that is that people are most likely to check their email, especially if its work-related when they get from their break in order to see if anyone needs anything from them.

Of course, here is another thing to consider – what day is most likely that your email will opened? Statistics show that your best bets are Wednesday and Thursday. However, it also depends on what you’re offering. If you’re into the entertainment business, for example, Friday is also a nice day to activate your campaign as people are far more likely to go to a club in the evening, for example, or to go visit the cinema the next day.

Know your Target

You have to think about your target demographic, though, as this is not a universal. Just because Wednesday and Thursday in the early afternoon give you the biggest statistical chance, doesn’t mean that your work is done with sending emails then. For example, office workers are most likely to open their emails then,but they have constant access to the Internet from the office and will probably check their email to see if there has been a development in the project their were working on or if a new phase has begun.

Blue collar workers, though, aren’t too likely to check their emails during the day and will instead probably do it in the evening after work. Depending on your target demographic, the time of day it’s most appropriate for you to send emails changes.

Time of Day

Including all the factors I’ve mentioned, there is one more thing to take from this article – it’s really important when you send an email. The reason for this is simple – you don’t want your email be a part of a large “stack” of unread messages most people will just delete. You might be thinking it doesn’t matter when you send them, as long as people will open them, but that’s not really the case. That’s why it’s crucial to know your audience – so you know, statistically, when most people are going to check their emails, which may vary. Midday would be a good idea universally, but take the other considerations into account, as well. Also, today we live in a world where we are almost always connected to the Internet, so we might get notified for a new message. Do we want to read it, though? It might depend on the presentation, so don’t put everything on the “when”, but on the “what”, as well.

AuthorBio: Jane Mires is a freelance writer. She currently writes for multiple blogs. Working at TopDomesticCleaners.co.uk  gives her the opportunity to practice her marketing skills and knowledge.

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