SME Growth Tips from Old Pros

Did you know that the entire operations of the Dell computers started from a dorm room? Michael Dell founded the company named PC Limited, while he was attending University of Texas. His business grew and changed and he soon dropped out of college to run his company full time.

Something similar happened with Apple and even Whole Foods. Therefore, it does not mean that only the big companies can grow bigger while the small ones are pushed aside. You are not the first owner of a small or a medium business who wants to make it grow. Others did it before you so learn from their experience.

PC Limited,

Image Credit: blogherald

Embrace the New, Recycle the Old

There are some good practices in your business that you should keep. Those are the things that kept your business alive and brought you where you are now. However, make sure that those strategies are possible to implement on a bigger business. In other words, while some plans and ideas should be kept, you will need to alter those that are no longer applicable for a larger business. Make sure that you separate one from another carefully.

Hire the Best Possible People for the Job

You do not just need good workers that can complete tasks that you give them. You need people that work well with the others, trust in your company and see their future in it. It is best to conduct your hiring process together with somebody else. They can be your employees or professionals that you hire for that purpose. Either way, it is very advisable to have fresh set of eyes to assist you. That will help you hire the best candidate.

Quality is Always the Answer

It may seem that the economy is not that great and that people do not spend as much as they used to. However, that does not mean that you will not be able to sell a product that is of high quality despite the price that is not the lowest on the market. On the contrary. People who make investments nowadays will always opt for a quality product that lasts. A cheaper version that does not have the same life expectancy does not pay off. In other words, they will save money by opting for quality. Make your business their best option.

Strong Relationships Are a Fortune

Image Credit: shutterstock

Strong Relationships Are a Fortune

This does not mean that you only have to have a good PR service to build strong relationship with your clients. You also need to make good connections with your vendors. You are their client and they will do their part of the job. You just need to do yours. Good relations mean that you will have their support once you decide to grow and expand. That kind of help is priceless. However, if something goes wrong, you can always hire a company to deal with your debts. It is a good idea to hire an agency that is located near the company that owes you. For example, it is much easier to organize a debt collection in Perth if you already live there and know all businesses than to do it from across the world.

Budgeting and planning are essential to your business. On the other hand, the human factor is what makes your business worth your while. Good staff, clients and vendors make your work pleasant, efficient and they make it easy to grow.

Author Bio

Dan RadakThis article has been written by Dan Radak, he is a marketing professional with 10 yrs of experience. He is a coauthor on several websites & regular contributor to BizzMark Blog. Currently, he is working in the field of Digital Marketing for  many companies


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